Int. No. 646
By Council Members Riley, Stevens, Hanif, Won, Feliz, Salaam, Gennaro, Hanks, Brewer, Farías, Cabán, Hudson, Williams, Avilés, Ossé, Brooks-Powers, Schulman, Louis, De La Rosa, Banks, Rivera and Marmorato
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to accessibility for the deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind community in the implementation of text-to-911
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. Subdivision (b) of section 10-174 of the administrative code of the city of New York, as added by local law number 78 of 2016, is amended to read as follows:
(b) By no later than six months after the end of each fiscal year, the commissioner, in consultation with the police commissioner and fire commissioner, shall issue to the mayor and the council, and make publicly available online, a report on the implementation of next generation 911 within the 911 emergency assistance system. Such report shall contain (i) a description of the current implementation plan, including planned next steps, (ii) a description of steps taken towards implementation since the prior report, (iii) a description of the feasibility of implementing a 911 text message transmission capability before full implementation of next generation 911, (iv) a description of any outreach efforts to hire or retain experts on accessibility for the deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind community, (v) information on any deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind accessibility subject matter experts hired or retained to assist in implementing next generation 911, (vi) a description of the public education plans for informing persons who are deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind on the availability of next generation 911, including 911 text message transmission capability and [(iv)] (vii) any other information the commissioner deems relevant.
§ 2. This local law takes effect immediately and is deemed repealed six months after the final report required by subdivision c of section 10-174 of the administrative code of the city of New York.
Session 13
LS #11886
Session 12
LS #11886
7/27/23 4:57 PM