File #: Int 0130-2024    Version: Name: Establishing composting facilities in parks.
Type: Introduction Status: Enacted
Committee: Committee on Parks and Recreation
On agenda: 2/28/2024
Enactment date: 12/13/2024 Law number: 2024/118
Title: A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to establishing composting facilities in parks
Sponsors: Gale A. Brewer, Shekar Krishnan, Nantasha M. Williams, Julie Menin, Lynn C. Schulman, Julie Won, Carlina Rivera , Farah N. Louis, Sandy Nurse, Diana I. Ayala, Yusef Salaam, Christopher Marte, Shahana K. Hanif, Sandra Ung, Crystal Hudson, James F. Gennaro, Lincoln Restler, Alexa Avilés, Tiffany Cabán, Pierina Ana Sanchez, Kalman Yeger , Chris Banks, Susan Zhuang, Shaun Abreu, Eric Dinowitz
Council Member Sponsors: 25
Summary: This bill would require the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) to establish composting facilities for plant waste collection within at least 2 parks in each borough by July 1, 2026, at least 3 parks in each borough by July 1, 2027, and at least 5 parks in each borough by July 1, 2028. DPR would also be required to issue an annual report that details the composting process occurring at the required parks.
Indexes: Report Required
Attachments: 1. Summary of Int. No. 130-A, 2. Summary of Int. No. 130, 3. Int. No. 130, 4. February 28, 2024 - Stated Meeting Agenda, 5. Hearing Transcript - Stated Meeting 2-28-24, 6. Minutes of the Stated Meeting - February 28, 2024, 7. Committee Report 3/1/24, 8. Hearing Testimony 3/1/24, 9. Hearing Transcript 3/1/24, 10. Proposed Int. No. 130-A - 11/7/24, 11. Committee Report 11/12/24, 12. Hearing Transcript 11/12/24, 13. November 13, 2024 - Stated Meeting Agenda, 14. Hearing Transcript - Stated Meeting 11-13-24, 15. Int. No. 130-A (FINAL), 16. Fiscal Impact Statement, 17. Legislative Documents - Letter to the Mayor, 18. Local Law 118
Date Ver.Prime SponsorAction ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsMultimedia
12/16/2024AGale A. Brewer City Council Returned Unsigned by Mayor  Action details Meeting details Not available
12/13/2024AGale A. Brewer Administration City Charter Rule Adopted  Action details Meeting details Not available
11/13/2024AGale A. Brewer City Council Sent to Mayor by Council  Action details Meeting details Not available
11/13/2024AGale A. Brewer City Council Approved by CouncilPass Action details Meeting details Not available
11/12/2024*Gale A. Brewer Committee on Parks and Recreation Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Meeting details Not available
11/12/2024*Gale A. Brewer Committee on Parks and Recreation Amendment Proposed by Comm  Action details Meeting details Not available
11/12/2024*Gale A. Brewer Committee on Parks and Recreation Amended by Committee  Action details Meeting details Not available
11/12/2024AGale A. Brewer Committee on Parks and Recreation Approved by CommitteePass Action details Meeting details Not available
3/28/2024*Gale A. Brewer City Council Introduced by Council  Action details Meeting details Not available
3/1/2024*Gale A. Brewer Committee on Parks and Recreation Hearing Held by Committee  Action details Meeting details Not available
3/1/2024*Gale A. Brewer Committee on Parks and Recreation Laid Over by Committee  Action details Meeting details Not available
2/28/2024*Gale A. Brewer City Council Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Meeting details Not available

Int. No. 130-A


By Council Members Brewer, Krishnan, Williams, Menin, Schulman, Won, Rivera, Louis, Nurse, Ayala, Salaam, Marte, Hanif, Ung, Hudson, Gennaro, Restler, Avilés, Cabán, Sanchez, Yeger, Banks, Zhuang, Abreu and Dinowitz


A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to establishing composting facilities in parks


Be it enacted by the Council as follows:


Section 1. Chapter 1 of title 18 of the administrative code of the city of New York is amended by adding a new section 18-165 to read as follows:

§ 18-165 Compost facilities in parks. a. Definitions. For purposes of this section, the following terms have the following meanings:

Compost facility. The term “compost facility” means a site at which the decomposition of organic material is managed.

Plant waste. The term “plant waste” means leaves, grass clippings, small woody and herbaceous material, and similar material.

b. The department shall establish compost facilities within parks for the composting of plant waste collected at parks within its jurisdiction pursuant to the following timetable:

1. On or before July 1, 2026, at least 1 compost facility within 2 parks in each borough, as determined by the commissioner;

2. On or before July 1, 2027, at least 1 compost facility within 3 parks in each borough, as determined by the commissioner; and

3. On or before July 1, 2028, at least 1 compost facility within 5 parks in each borough, as determined by the commissioner.

c. 1. The department shall use a compost facility in a park to compost plant waste collected from such park as well as other nearby parks within the department’s jurisdiction.

2. In addition, the department may elect to use organic material management procedures and sustainable practices for the management of plant waste generated at such park, including leaf-mowing grassy areas and leaving leaves in place in horticultural areas. Nothing in this paragraph shall affect the requirements of subdivision b of this section.

d. The department shall report annually on the operation of compost facilities established pursuant to this section. Such report shall include, at a minimum, the following information:

1. The total amount of plant waste managed at each compost facility;

2. The annual cost of operating each compost facility;

3. For each park where a compost facility has been established, a description of the disposal process for plant waste from such park that was in effect prior to the establishment of such facility; and

4. The number of staff members working at each compost facility.

§ 2. This local law takes effect immediately.

Session 13


LS # 12786



Session 12


LS # 12786

6/14/23 2:15PM