Res. No. 251
Resolution calling on the New York State Education Department to allow a lifeguard certification to substitute for Physical Education Credit for high school seniors aged 17 years and older.
By Council Members Riley, Stevens, Won, Feliz, Salaam, Farías, De La Rosa, Williams, Sanchez, Banks, Brewer, Krishnan, Hudson, Hanks, Joseph, Schulman, Ossé, Marte, Louis, Marmorato, Vernikov and Paladino (in conjunction with the Bronx Borough President)
Whereas, According to the United States (U.S.) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it is estimated that each year in the U.S., there are roughly 4,000 fatal unintentional drownings, or an average of 11 drowning deaths per day, and approximately 8,000 non-fatal drownings, or an average of 22 non-fatal drownings per day; and
Whereas, Per the CDC, for every child under the age of 18 years who dies from drowning, another 7 children receive emergency department care for a non-fatal drowning; and
Whereas, Also per the CDC, almost 40 percent of drowning cases treated in emergency departments in the U.S. require a hospitalization or a transfer for further care, in contrast with 10 percent for all unintentional injuries; and
Whereas, Moreover, the CDC emphasizes that non-fatal drowning injuries can cause brain damage and other serious outcomes, including long-term disability; and
Whereas, Data compiled by the New York State Department of Health (NYS DOH) reveals that between 2011 and 2020, across New York State, there were 27 drowning incidents at swimming pools and 21 drowning incidents at bathing beaches; and
Whereas, Furthermore, data by the NYS DOH also shows that although bathing facilities located at New York State parks represent only 1 percent of all bathing facilities in the state, they account for 16 percent of the drowning incidents that occurred in New York State between 1987 and 2020; and
Whereas, According to a 2021 report by the New York City Department of Investigation (NYC DOI), the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation (NYC DPR) maintains 14 miles of beach and 53 outdoor pools between Memorial Day weekend and mid-September, as well as 12 indoor pools year-round, for swimming and recreational activities in New York City; and
Whereas, Per the same report, the Lifeguard Division at the NYC DPR is responsible for public safety at New York City’s public beaches and pools, for which purpose it employs, recruits, and trains lifeguards; and
Whereas, Also per the same report by the NYC DOI, although the Lifeguard Division at the NYC DPR has about 60 permanent employees, the majority of lifeguards are seasonal employees; and
Whereas, The New York Times reported in May 2023 that the NYC DPR employed only 529 lifeguards by the time public outdoor pools opened in late June 2022, with the total number rising to 900 lifeguards in early July 2022, which was significantly fewer than 1,400 lifeguards the NYC DPR stated were needed to fully staff the city’s public beaches and pools; and
Whereas, Moreover, according to the New York Times, as of May 2023, the NYC DPR employed only 480 lifeguards, including 280 returning lifeguards and 200 new recruits, in contrast with about 1,500 lifeguards hired in 2016 and approximately 1,000 lifeguards employed in 2021; and
Whereas, The NYC DPR offers free Swim Skills Clinics on Saturdays at Constance Baker Motley Recreation Center in Manhattan, where participants learn and develop advanced swim skills, including proper swim form and speed, to help prepare those working on passing the NYC Parks Lifeguard qualifying test; and
Whereas, Individuals who successfully pass the NYC Parks Lifeguard qualifying test can then enroll in the Municipal Lifeguard Training Program, a state-certified, 40-hour program that teaches the critical skills of CPR, first-aid, and techniques for saving a swimmer in distress to become certified as a New York City Lifeguard; and
Whereas, As part of the Municipal Lifeguard Training Program, the NYC DPR provides passes that allow participants to practice at all of New York City’s 12 public indoor pools to strengthen their swimming skills and improve their conditioning in preparation for the final swim test required for a New York City Lifeguard certification; and
Whereas, New York City Lifeguard-certified individuals may then qualify for employment by the NYC DPR as lifeguards at New York City’s public beaches and pools; and
Whereas, One solution for addressing the shortage of lifeguards in New York City is to incentivize high school seniors aged 17 years and older to become certified lifeguards by substituting a lifeguard certification for Physical Education Credit; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York calls on the New York State Education Department to allow a lifeguard certification to substitute for Physical Education Credit for high school seniors aged 17 years and older.
LS #14471