Int. No. 978
By Council Members Williams, Stevens, Riley, Lee, Krishnan, Brooks-Powers, Cabán, Restler, Narcisse, Won, Banks, Gennaro, Avilés, Ung, Sanchez, Brannan, De La Rosa, Nurse, Schulman, Hudson, Mealy, Ossé, Zhuang, Gutiérrez, Hanks, Moya, Holden, Dinowitz, Joseph, Hanif, Louis, Vernikov, Ariola and Paladino
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to requiring the 311 customer service center to provide relevant resources in response to tree pruning-related requests
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. Chapter 3 of title 23 of the administrative code of the city of New York is amended by adding a new section 23-311 to read as follows:
§ 23-311 Response to tree pruning-related 311 requests. The 311 customer service center, in coordination with the department of parks and recreation, shall provide in response to each tree pruning-related complaint or request for service or information request that is filed by the public:
1. A link to the map the department of parks and recreation maintains in accordance with paragraph 5 of subdivision c of section 18-157;
2. A link to any map the department of parks and recreation maintains that displays information regarding completed tree pruning and scheduled tree pruning;
3. A link to any page of the website of the department of parks and recreation that includes information regarding tree pruning; and
4. Any available informational resources pertaining to obtaining volunteer certification in the pruning of street trees in the city.
§ 2. This local law takes effect 30 days after it becomes law.
LS #15457/15458/16054
5/23/2024 9:23 AM