Int. No. 782
By Council Members Nurse, Ossé, Hudson, Narcisse, Sanchez, Brooks-Powers, Avilés, Krishnan, Won, Gutiérrez, Williams, Joseph, Brewer, Ung, Abreu, Salaam, Hanif, Rivera and Banks (in conjunction with the Brooklyn Borough President)
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to preemptive outreach to property owners subject to municipal property taxes
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. Subdivision b of section 11-207.1 is amended to read as follows:
b. 1. The notice of property value sent by the department to an owner of real property shall inform such owner how to access additional information on the website of the department regarding valuation of the subject real property, including the factors used by the department to determine the market value of such real property. The notice of property value shall include the address of such website. Such information shall be made available at least thirty days prior to the final date for filing any appeal.
2. The commissioner of finance, or their designee, shall include with the notice of property value sent to an owner of real property, a notice containing detailed information about available property tax exemptions and abatements for which the recipient owner may be eligible. Such notice shall clearly state the filing deadline to apply for such exemptions and abatements and give detailed information about qualifications for each respective exemption and abatement. Such notice shall also provide the recipient owner guidance on how to access this information in the designated citywide languages, as well as in a Braille alphabet or in audio format as necessary. For the purposes of this paragraph, “designated citywide languages” has the same meaning as described in subdivision a of section 23-1101.
§ 2. This local law takes effect immediately.
LS #12002
2/22/2024, 11:25am