| * | | | | Oversight - Addressing the Needs of Homeless Veterans. | Oversight | | | |
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Int 0465-2024
| * | Inna Vernikov | | | Requiring the department of housing preservation and development to submit reports on veteran preference in Mitchell-Lama developments. | Introduction | The proposed bill would require an annual report from the department of housing preservation and development on the amount of veterans applying for housing in city-run Mitchell-Lama developments, the amount of veterans being selected for occupancy, and the documentary requirements and safeguards in place to ensure that applicants benefiting from a veteran preference are in fact veterans. | | |
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Int 0684-2024
| * | Robert F. Holden | | | Requiring each community board to establish a veterans committee | Introduction | This bill would require each community board to establish a committee dedicated to the needs of veterans and their families within the community district, and would require such committee meetings to be open to the public (except as otherwise provided by law). | | |
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Int 0685-2024
| * | Robert F. Holden | | | Procurement opportunities for veteran owned business enterprises | Introduction | This bill would require the Department of Small Business Services, with the City’s Chief Procurement Officer, to enable veteran owned business enterprises to identify as such when registering to do business with the City. This bill would also require SBS, with the Department of Veterans’ Services, to create a Veteran Leadership Advisory Program to educate veteran owned business enterprises about City procurement opportunities and support such business enterprises during the procurement process. | | |
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Int 1171-2025
| * | Robert F. Holden | | | Requiring a study and recommendations on the feasibility of implementing a pilot program to provide reconsolidation of traumatic memories therapy for veterans. | Introduction | This bill would require the Commissioner of Veterans' Services, in consultation with the Commissioner of Health and Mental Hygiene, to conduct a one-year feasibility study on implementing a pilot program to provide Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories therapy to Veterans residing in the city. The study would evaluate whether this therapy is recommended for Veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder or other psychological disorders, estimate how many Veterans could benefit from such a program, analyze the costs of implementation, evaluate potential funding sources or partnerships, and determine whether the pilot program should proceed based on the findings. Within six months after completing the study, the Commissioner would develop recommendations on the feasibility and advisability of implementing the pilot program, submit such recommendations to the Mayor and the Speaker, and post such recommendations on the department's website. | | |
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