Int 0951-2024
| * | Lincoln Restler | | Proposed Int. No. 951-A | Comptroller audits of community boards and public administrators. | Introduction | This bill would modify the New York City Comptroller’s auditing duty as it would allow the Comptroller to treat all community boards as a single combined agency and all public administrators’ offices as a single combined agency. When the Comptroller treats multiple offices or boards as a single combined agency, the Comptroller would have to send a copy of the draft audit or audit report to each office or board that is covered by the audit and would have to provide each such office or board, in writing, a reasonable deadline for its review and response. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0951-2024
| * | Lincoln Restler | | | Comptroller audits of community boards and public administrators. | Introduction | This bill would modify the New York City Comptroller’s auditing duty as it would allow the Comptroller to treat all community boards as a single combined agency and all public administrators’ offices as a single combined agency. When the Comptroller treats multiple offices or boards as a single combined agency, the Comptroller would have to send a copy of the draft audit or audit report to each office or board that is covered by the audit and would have to provide each such office or board, in writing, a reasonable deadline for its review and response. | Amendment Proposed by Comm | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0951-2024
| * | Lincoln Restler | | | Comptroller audits of community boards and public administrators. | Introduction | This bill would modify the New York City Comptroller’s auditing duty as it would allow the Comptroller to treat all community boards as a single combined agency and all public administrators’ offices as a single combined agency. When the Comptroller treats multiple offices or boards as a single combined agency, the Comptroller would have to send a copy of the draft audit or audit report to each office or board that is covered by the audit and would have to provide each such office or board, in writing, a reasonable deadline for its review and response. | Amended by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0951-2024
| * | Lincoln Restler | | | Comptroller audits of community boards and public administrators. | Introduction | This bill would modify the New York City Comptroller’s auditing duty as it would allow the Comptroller to treat all community boards as a single combined agency and all public administrators’ offices as a single combined agency. When the Comptroller treats multiple offices or boards as a single combined agency, the Comptroller would have to send a copy of the draft audit or audit report to each office or board that is covered by the audit and would have to provide each such office or board, in writing, a reasonable deadline for its review and response. | Approved by Committee | Pass |
Action details
Not available