Res 0457-2018
| * | Daniel Dromm | | Preconsidered | Approving the new designation and changes in the designation of certain organizations to receive funding in the Expense Budget. | Resolution | | Hearing on P-C Item by Comm | |
Action details
Not available
Res 0457-2018
| * | Daniel Dromm | | | Approving the new designation and changes in the designation of certain organizations to receive funding in the Expense Budget. | Resolution | | P-C Item Approved by Comm | Pass |
Action details
Not available
LU 0162-2018
| * | Daniel Dromm | | Preconsidered | The Astra, Brooklyn | Land Use Application | | Hearing on P-C Item by Comm | |
Action details
Not available
LU 0162-2018
| * | Daniel Dromm | | | The Astra, Brooklyn | Land Use Application | | P-C Item Approved by Committee with Companion Resolution | Pass |
Action details
Not available
LU 0163-2018
| * | Daniel Dromm | | Preconsidered | Breaking Ground - 90 Sands Street, Brooklyn | Land Use Application | | Hearing on P-C Item by Comm | |
Action details
Not available
LU 0163-2018
| * | Daniel Dromm | | | Breaking Ground - 90 Sands Street, Brooklyn | Land Use Application | | P-C Item Approved by Committee with Companion Resolution | Pass |
Action details
Not available