Int 0125-2024
| * | Diana I. Ayala | | | Prohibiting the police department from collecting DNA from a minor without consent from a parent, legal guardian or attorney. | Introduction | This bill would prohibit any member of the NYPD from collecting a DNA sample from a minor prior to the lawful arrest of such minor without the consent of the minor’s parent, legal guardian or attorney. The prohibition would not apply where the sample is abandoned at the scene of an alleged criminal offense and is not collected directly from the minor, or where the sample is collected from a minor who is alleged to be the victim of a criminal offense. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0125-2024
| * | Diana I. Ayala | | | Prohibiting the police department from collecting DNA from a minor without consent from a parent, legal guardian or attorney. | Introduction | This bill would prohibit any member of the NYPD from collecting a DNA sample from a minor prior to the lawful arrest of such minor without the consent of the minor’s parent, legal guardian or attorney. The prohibition would not apply where the sample is abandoned at the scene of an alleged criminal offense and is not collected directly from the minor, or where the sample is collected from a minor who is alleged to be the victim of a criminal offense. | Laid Over by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0798-2024
| * | Althea V. Stevens | | | Abolishing the criminal group database and prohibiting the establishment of a successor database. | Introduction | This bill would abolish the police department’s Criminal Group Database (Database) and prohibit the establishment of a successor database with the same or substantially similar features. Pending the ultimate destruction of records in the Database, no employee of the city would be permitted to access the Criminal Group Database for law enforcement purposes. The Inspector General for the Police Department would be required to notify persons named in the Database and provide additional information regarding how persons may submit requests for records contained in the Database, pursuant to the State Freedom of Information Law, prior to the destruction of such records. Violations would be enforced by the Inspector General for the Police Department and punishable by civil penalties. In addition, persons aggrieved by a violation would have a private right of action to seek damages and other relief. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0798-2024
| * | Althea V. Stevens | | | Abolishing the criminal group database and prohibiting the establishment of a successor database. | Introduction | This bill would abolish the police department’s Criminal Group Database (Database) and prohibit the establishment of a successor database with the same or substantially similar features. Pending the ultimate destruction of records in the Database, no employee of the city would be permitted to access the Criminal Group Database for law enforcement purposes. The Inspector General for the Police Department would be required to notify persons named in the Database and provide additional information regarding how persons may submit requests for records contained in the Database, pursuant to the State Freedom of Information Law, prior to the destruction of such records. Violations would be enforced by the Inspector General for the Police Department and punishable by civil penalties. In addition, persons aggrieved by a violation would have a private right of action to seek damages and other relief. | Laid Over by Committee | |
Action details
Not available