Res 1617-2021
| * | Daniel Dromm | | Preconsidered | Amendment to the District Plan of the Queens Plaza/Court Square Business Improvement District. | Resolution | | Hearing on P-C Item by Comm | |
Action details
Not available
Res 1617-2021
| * | Daniel Dromm | | | Amendment to the District Plan of the Queens Plaza/Court Square Business Improvement District. | Resolution | | P-C Item Approved by Comm | Pass |
Action details
Not available
Res 1618-2021
| * | Daniel Dromm | | Preconsidered | Amendment to the District Plan of the Flatbush Avenue Business Improvement District. | Resolution | | Hearing on P-C Item by Comm | |
Action details
Not available
Res 1618-2021
| * | Daniel Dromm | | | Amendment to the District Plan of the Flatbush Avenue Business Improvement District. | Resolution | | P-C Item Approved by Comm | Pass |
Action details
Not available