| * | | | | Oversight - Examining the Parks Department’s Permitting Process for the Use of Athletic Fields at Parks. | Oversight | | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
| * | | | | Oversight - Examining the Parks Department’s Permitting Process for the Use of Athletic Fields at Parks. | Oversight | | Filed, by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 1959-2020
| * | Ydanis A. Rodriguez | | | Establishment of the office of sports, wellness and recreation. | Introduction | This bill would require the Mayor to establish an Office of Sports, Wellness and Recreation. The Office would be charged with the authority to promote and enhance sports-related opportunities for youth and to promote the role of sports in education. It would also be responsible for recommending ways to promote and organize youth sports events, identifying barriers to the growth and development of extracurricular and school-based youth sports programs, recommending ways to expand athletic and recreational opportunities for youth, particularly for those from under-resourced communities, collecting demographic data from public and private entities operating youth sports programs, and furthering the City’s commitment to health, wellness, and social development through extracurricular and school-based sports and recreation programs. Affiliated within the Office, there would be an Advisory Board chosen from the public, private and non-profit sectors, as well as from higher education institutions and sports institutions located in the city to advise the director of the Office in furthering its mission. The Office would regularly consult with various City agencies in performing its duties and would submit an annual report advising to the Mayor and Council on its activities and recommendations. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 1959-2020
| * | Ydanis A. Rodriguez | | | Establishment of the office of sports, wellness and recreation. | Introduction | This bill would require the Mayor to establish an Office of Sports, Wellness and Recreation. The Office would be charged with the authority to promote and enhance sports-related opportunities for youth and to promote the role of sports in education. It would also be responsible for recommending ways to promote and organize youth sports events, identifying barriers to the growth and development of extracurricular and school-based youth sports programs, recommending ways to expand athletic and recreational opportunities for youth, particularly for those from under-resourced communities, collecting demographic data from public and private entities operating youth sports programs, and furthering the City’s commitment to health, wellness, and social development through extracurricular and school-based sports and recreation programs. Affiliated within the Office, there would be an Advisory Board chosen from the public, private and non-profit sectors, as well as from higher education institutions and sports institutions located in the city to advise the director of the Office in furthering its mission. The Office would regularly consult with various City agencies in performing its duties and would submit an annual report advising to the Mayor and Council on its activities and recommendations. | Laid Over by Committee | |
Action details
Not available