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| * | | | | Oversight - The City’s Audit of Shelter Providers | Oversight | | Hearing Held by Committee | |
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| * | | | | Oversight - The City’s Audit of Shelter Providers | Oversight | | Filed, by Committee | |
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Int 2056-2020
| * | Keith Powers | | Proposed Int. No. 2056-A | Requiring officers and employees of city contractors to report corruption and to cooperate with the DOI. | Introduction | This bill would require officers and employees of City contractors and subcontractors with contracts valued in excess of $100,000 to report conflicts of interest or other wrongdoing by any officer or employee of such contractor or subcontractor that concerns City contracts to the Department of Investigation (DOI) or other City officials. The bill would clarify that the DOI and other officials are required to make reasonable efforts to protect the confidentiality of the officer or employee making the report. Additionally, officers and employees of City contractors and subcontractors with City contracts valued in excess of $100,000 would be required to cooperate with DOI investigations related to City contracts. If a contracting agency determines that there has been a violation of the reporting and cooperation requirements, the contracting agency would be required to take such action as it deems appropriate and consistent with the remedies available under the contract or subcontract. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
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Int 2056-2020
| * | Keith Powers | | | Requiring officers and employees of city contractors to report corruption and to cooperate with the DOI. | Introduction | This bill would require officers and employees of City contractors and subcontractors with contracts valued in excess of $100,000 to report conflicts of interest or other wrongdoing by any officer or employee of such contractor or subcontractor that concerns City contracts to the Department of Investigation (DOI) or other City officials. The bill would clarify that the DOI and other officials are required to make reasonable efforts to protect the confidentiality of the officer or employee making the report. Additionally, officers and employees of City contractors and subcontractors with City contracts valued in excess of $100,000 would be required to cooperate with DOI investigations related to City contracts. If a contracting agency determines that there has been a violation of the reporting and cooperation requirements, the contracting agency would be required to take such action as it deems appropriate and consistent with the remedies available under the contract or subcontract. | Laid Over by Committee | |
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Int 2284-2021
| * | Helen K. Rosenthal | | | Requiring the dept of social services and the dept of homeless services to provide resources for contracted client service providers to deliver a survivor-centered response in addressing gender-based harassment and sexual assault. | Introduction | This bill would require the Department of Social Services (DSS) to deliver a survivor-centered response to complaints of sexual assault or harassment made by a client or staff of a DSS or Department of Homeless (DHS) provider. DSS would be required to offer sexual assault and harassment resources to each survivor, follow-up with each survivor as appropriate and review each complaint to assess the next steps. The bill would require the Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence to develop a survivor resource guide and provide the guide to DSS. DSS would be required to post the survivor guide and other training resources on its website, and make such materials available to contracted providers. The bill would further require DSS to review whether a provider has entered into a settlement in response to a complaint, or other actions taken in response to complaints. DSS would be required to submit an annual report to the Speaker of the Council on any steps taken to establish procedures pursuant to this bill. Finally, DHS would be required to provide resources, information, outreach materials and online training resources compiled by DSS to DHS’ contracted providers. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
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Int 2284-2021
| * | Helen K. Rosenthal | | | Requiring the dept of social services and the dept of homeless services to provide resources for contracted client service providers to deliver a survivor-centered response in addressing gender-based harassment and sexual assault. | Introduction | This bill would require the Department of Social Services (DSS) to deliver a survivor-centered response to complaints of sexual assault or harassment made by a client or staff of a DSS or Department of Homeless (DHS) provider. DSS would be required to offer sexual assault and harassment resources to each survivor, follow-up with each survivor as appropriate and review each complaint to assess the next steps. The bill would require the Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence to develop a survivor resource guide and provide the guide to DSS. DSS would be required to post the survivor guide and other training resources on its website, and make such materials available to contracted providers. The bill would further require DSS to review whether a provider has entered into a settlement in response to a complaint, or other actions taken in response to complaints. DSS would be required to submit an annual report to the Speaker of the Council on any steps taken to establish procedures pursuant to this bill. Finally, DHS would be required to provide resources, information, outreach materials and online training resources compiled by DSS to DHS’ contracted providers. | Laid Over by Committee | |
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Int 2285-2021
| * | Helen K. Rosenthal | | | Establishment of standards and procedures to determine the existence of conflicts of interest and other misconduct concerning city contracts. | Introduction | This bill would apply to a contractor and a City agency or the Council that are parties to a City contract valued in excess of $100,000. It would require the City Chief Procurement Officer (CCPO) to establish standards and procedures for a contractor to use to determine the existence of a conflict of interest and certain misconduct concerning the contract on the part of its officers or employees and those of its subcontractors. The Mayor’s Office of Contract Services (MOCS) would have to require the agency or Council as party to a contract to include such standards and procedures in the contract. The contractor would be required to submit a certification of compliance with such standards and procedures, as well as that no conflict of interest or misconduct exists, to MOCS. Finally, the bill would require the CCPO to report on certifications submitted by contractors. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
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Int 2285-2021
| * | Helen K. Rosenthal | | | Establishment of standards and procedures to determine the existence of conflicts of interest and other misconduct concerning city contracts. | Introduction | This bill would apply to a contractor and a City agency or the Council that are parties to a City contract valued in excess of $100,000. It would require the City Chief Procurement Officer (CCPO) to establish standards and procedures for a contractor to use to determine the existence of a conflict of interest and certain misconduct concerning the contract on the part of its officers or employees and those of its subcontractors. The Mayor’s Office of Contract Services (MOCS) would have to require the agency or Council as party to a contract to include such standards and procedures in the contract. The contractor would be required to submit a certification of compliance with such standards and procedures, as well as that no conflict of interest or misconduct exists, to MOCS. Finally, the bill would require the CCPO to report on certifications submitted by contractors. | Laid Over by Committee | |
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Int 2292-2021
| * | Vanessa L. Gibson | | | Reporting of information pertaining to allegations of misconduct made under section 12-113 and the development of web applications to track City agency and contractor compliance with certain investigations and recommendations. | Introduction | This bill would require the Commissioner of Investigation to include additional information in an annual report on allegations of misconduct by City employees and certain contractors to the Mayor and Council. This report would have to include, in a searchable and machine-readable format, the following information for misconduct reports received by the Commissioner, Special Commissioner of Investigation, or Corporation Counsel in the last year or in an earlier year with an investigation remaining open: the year the report was received, the implicated agency, which paragraph of section 12-113(b) the report arose under, whether an investigation was initiated, the number of days an investigation has been open, and for closed investigations an outcome summary. The bill would further require that the Commissioner and Special Commissioner’s web applications to track compliance with investigations and recommendations also cover certain contractors and subcontractors that are investigated. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
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Int 2292-2021
| * | Vanessa L. Gibson | | | Reporting of information pertaining to allegations of misconduct made under section 12-113 and the development of web applications to track City agency and contractor compliance with certain investigations and recommendations. | Introduction | This bill would require the Commissioner of Investigation to include additional information in an annual report on allegations of misconduct by City employees and certain contractors to the Mayor and Council. This report would have to include, in a searchable and machine-readable format, the following information for misconduct reports received by the Commissioner, Special Commissioner of Investigation, or Corporation Counsel in the last year or in an earlier year with an investigation remaining open: the year the report was received, the implicated agency, which paragraph of section 12-113(b) the report arose under, whether an investigation was initiated, the number of days an investigation has been open, and for closed investigations an outcome summary. The bill would further require that the Commissioner and Special Commissioner’s web applications to track compliance with investigations and recommendations also cover certain contractors and subcontractors that are investigated. | Laid Over by Committee | |
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