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Roll call
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| * | | | | Oversight - General Operations of the Board of Standards and Appeals and Zoning Lot Mergers. | Oversight | | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
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| * | | | | Oversight - General Operations of the Board of Standards and Appeals and Zoning Lot Mergers. | Oversight | | Filed, by Committee | |
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Int 1691-2019
| * | Fernando Cabrera | | | Assigning a unique identifying number to each zoning lot in the city. | Introduction | This bill would require the director of the New York City Department of City Planning to assign a unique identifying number to each zoning lot in the City and subsequently amend each such zoning lot number to reflect any changes to each zoning lot, such as a subdivision or zoning lot merger. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
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Int 1691-2019
| * | Fernando Cabrera | | | Assigning a unique identifying number to each zoning lot in the city. | Introduction | This bill would require the director of the New York City Department of City Planning to assign a unique identifying number to each zoning lot in the City and subsequently amend each such zoning lot number to reflect any changes to each zoning lot, such as a subdivision or zoning lot merger. | Laid Over by Committee | |
Action details
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Int 1692-2019
| * | Fernando Cabrera | | | Creation of an interactive zoning lot map. | Introduction | This bill would require the director of the New York City Department of City Planning (“DCP”) to make available to the public an online interactive map displaying each zoning lot in the city and update such map at least quarterly to reflect any subsequent changes to any zoning lot. DCP is authorized to secure such additional information as it deems necessary to complete this online map from the Department of Buildings, the Board of Standards and Appeals, and the City Register, as well as any other government or private organization. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
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Int 1692-2019
| * | Fernando Cabrera | | | Creation of an interactive zoning lot map. | Introduction | This bill would require the director of the New York City Department of City Planning (“DCP”) to make available to the public an online interactive map displaying each zoning lot in the city and update such map at least quarterly to reflect any subsequent changes to any zoning lot. DCP is authorized to secure such additional information as it deems necessary to complete this online map from the Department of Buildings, the Board of Standards and Appeals, and the City Register, as well as any other government or private organization. | Laid Over by Committee | |
Action details
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Int 1701-2019
| * | Ben Kallos | | | Community notification requirements for transfers of development rights. | Introduction | This bill would require the City Register to notify affected community boards, council members, borough presidents and the Speaker of the Council whenever a deed memorializing a transfer of development rights or a zoning lot description related to a Department of Buildings permit for development or enlargement is recorded. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
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Int 1701-2019
| * | Ben Kallos | | | Community notification requirements for transfers of development rights. | Introduction | This bill would require the City Register to notify affected community boards, council members, borough presidents and the Speaker of the Council whenever a deed memorializing a transfer of development rights or a zoning lot description related to a Department of Buildings permit for development or enlargement is recorded. | Laid Over by Committee | |
Action details
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Int 1723-2019
| * | Ben Kallos | | | Sworn testimony before the board of standards and appeals. | Introduction | This bill would expand upon Local Law 103 of 2017, which currently only requires a property owner applying for a variance or special permit to provide testimony to the BSA under oath. Instead, this bill would amend the Charter to require that property owners providing testimony at all BSA hearings now do so under oath. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
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Int 1723-2019
| * | Ben Kallos | | | Sworn testimony before the board of standards and appeals. | Introduction | This bill would expand upon Local Law 103 of 2017, which currently only requires a property owner applying for a variance or special permit to provide testimony to the BSA under oath. Instead, this bill would amend the Charter to require that property owners providing testimony at all BSA hearings now do so under oath. | Laid Over by Committee | |
Action details
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