Int. No. 1114
By Council Members Won, Brooks-Powers, Hanif, Banks, Ayala, Louis, Schulman, Brannan, Sanchez, Narcisse, Nurse, Brewer, Hudson and Ariola
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to requiring the commissioner of transportation to create an online capital project tracker
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. Title 19 of the administrative code of the city of New York is amended by adding a new chapter 12 to read as follows:
§ 19-1201 Online transportation capital project tracker. a. No later than 120 days after the effective date of the local law that added this chapter, the commissioner shall create and maintain on the department’s website an online transportation capital project tracker. The commissioner shall include in such tracker information on capital projects under the jurisdiction of the department for which certain data is posted in the public online capital project database pursuant to section 5-108. At a minimum, such information shall include, for each such capital project:
1. A description of such project;
2. The location of such project, including but not limited to the street address if applicable and available, community district, and borough;
3. The actual or estimated starting date and actual or estimated completion date of each phase of such project;
4. The date such project was first assigned to an employee of the department;
5. Whether such project is in the design, procurement, or construction phase, and the percentage of each such phase that is complete;
6. A description of any phase of such project that is delayed and the reason for such delay;
7. The total amount of funds allocated to such project, or, when applicable, a range of the amount of funds available for such project;
8. The identification of each separate source of funding allocated to such project; and
9. A description of any projected or actual cost overrun for each phase of such project.
b. The commissioner shall update the information included in the online transportation capital project tracker required under subdivision a of this section on a quarterly basis.
§ 19-1202 Exception. The online transportation capital project tracker required under section 19-1201 shall not include information regarding any capital project undertaken by the department to meet specific benchmarks included in a master plan issued by the department under section 19-199.1.
§ 2. This local law takes effect immediately.
LS #14668/15857
5/28/2024 5:33 PM