Res. No. 1021
Resolution opposing the proposed rule by the United States Department of Housing and Development to restrict the use of federally-assisted housing for immigrant families and urging the federal government not to move forward with its adoption.
By Council Member Cabrera
Whereas, In May 2019, the U.S. Department of Housing and Development (HUD) proposed a rule to restrict the use of federally-assisted housing for immigrant families; and
Whereas, The proposed rule would change the current eligibility scheme for recipients of rental assistance from HUD by requiring the submission of proof of immigration status and banning households with mixed immigration status (“mixed-status” households) from receiving rental assistance; and
Whereas, A HUD internal analysis estimates the proposed rule would affect 108,000 people -including 55,000 children-and force households with ineligible members to choose between eviction or family separation; and
Whereas, According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, of the people assisted by the programs affected by the proposed rule, 68 percent are children, elderly or people with disabilities; and
Whereas, Of the people in mixed-status households that would lose their assistance, 95 percent are people of color, including 85 percent who are Hispanic/Latinx, seven percent who are Black and two percent who are Asian/Pacific Islander; and
Whereas, The proposed rule, therefore, would discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, age and immigration status, disproportionately affecting our most vulnerable residents; and
Whereas, This proposed rule will force households to choose between moving out of existing housing, becoming vulnerable to homelessness in order to maintain the family unit and separating their families by choosing for the ineligible individual(s) to leave; and
Whereas, Children of ineligible immigrants-many of whom are U.S.-born citizens-may end up in the care of other family members or friends, or possibly even foster care; and
Whereas, HUD found that California, Texas and New York would be disproportionately impacted by the proposed rule because 72 percent of mixed-status families are concentrated in these three states; and
Whereas, In effect, approximately 3,000 New York State households, made up of approximately 13,000 tenants, would be affected, and more than half of these-6,600-could be children; and
Whereas, The proposed rule, if enacted, could cause up to 13,000 tenants in New York City to become displaced, further exacerbating the issues of overcrowding and rent burden in New York City, specifically for immigrant families; and
Whereas, HUD’s own analysis of the proposed rule recognizes that “homelessness could arise for a household, if they are unable to find alternative housing, for example in tight housing markets,” and New York is a notoriously tight housing market; and
Whereas, This proposed rule is an unjust, discriminatory and cruel proposal that would make thousands of families homeless or tear them apart; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York opposes the proposed rule by the United States Department of Housing and Development to restrict the use of federally-assisted housing for immigrant families and urging the federal government not to move forward with its adoption.
LS 10959