Application number C 230152 ZSK (281-311 Marcus Garvey Boulevard) submitted by Omni New York, LLC, pursuant to Sections 197-c and 201 of the New York City Charter for the grant of a special permit pursuant to Section 74-532 of the Zoning Resolution to waive all of the required accessory residential off-street parking spaces for the proposed new development, and to reduce from 234 spaces to 118 spaces the previously required accessory residential parking for an existing development, in connection with a proposed mixed-used development within a large-scale general development in a Transit Zone, bounded by Quincy Street, a line 120 feet easterly of Marcus Garvey Boulevard, a line midway between Quincy Street and Gates Avenue, Lewis Avenue, a line midway between Gates Avenue and Monroe Street, a line 80 feet easterly of Marcus Garvey Boulevard, Monroe Street, and Marcus Garvey Boulevard (Block 1629, Lot 1 and Block 1634, Lot 1), in R6A, R6B, and R7A/C2-4* Districts, Borough of Brooklyn, Co...