Application No. C 190072 ZSK (809 Atlantic Avenue Rezoning) submitted by 550 Clinton Partners LLC and 539 Vanderbilt Partners LLC pursuant to Sections 197-c and 201 of the New York City Charter for the grant of a special permit pursuant to Section 74-711 of the Zoning Resolution to modify the zoning lot divided by district boundaries regulations of Section 77-02 (Zoning Lots not Existing Prior to Effective Date or Amendment of Resolution) and Section 77-22 (Floor Area Ratio), the zoning lot divided by district boundaries regulations of Section 77-02 (Zoning Lots not Existing Prior to Effective Date or Amendment of Resolution) and Section 77-22 (Floor Area Ratio), the rear yard regulations of Section 23-52 (Special Provisions for Shallow Interior Lots), Section 33-26 (Minimum Required Rear Yards), and Section 33-29 (Special Provisions Applying along District Boundaries), the tower-on-a-base regulations of Section 23-651(a) (Tower regulations) and Section 23-651(b) (Building base regulat...