Application No. C 180389 ZSK (12 Franklin Street) submitted by 12 Franklin Property Co LLC, 12 Franklin 230 LLC and 12 Franklin 197 LLC pursuant to Sections 197-c and 201 of the New York City Charter for the grant of a special permit pursuant Section 74-963 of the Zoning Resolution to reduce the off-street parking requirements of Section 44-20 (Required accessory off-street parking spaces for manufacturing, commercial or community facility uses) and the loading berth requirements of Section 44-50 (Off-street loading regulations), in connection with a proposed 7-story commercial building within an Industrial Business Incentive Area, in an M1-2 District. on property located at 12 Franklin Street (Block 2614, Lots 1, 3 and 8), Borough of Brooklyn, Council District 33, Community District 1.