File #: Res 1286-2005    Version: * Name: LU 634 - UDAAP, 801 Neill Avenue, Bronx (20065106HAX)
Type: Resolution Status: Filed
Committee: Committee on Land Use
On agenda: 12/8/2005
Enactment date: Law number:
Title: Resolution approving a motion to file pursuant to withdrawal of an application for a Project located at 801 Neill Avenue (Block 4290/Lot 8), the Bronx, pursuant to the Private Housing Finance Law (L.U. No. 634; 20065106 HAX).
Sponsors: Melinda R. Katz
Council Member Sponsors: 1
Attachments: 1. Committee Report, 2. Hearing Transcript - Stated Meeting 12/8/05




Resolution approving a motion to file pursuant to withdrawal of an application for a Project located at 801 Neill Avenue (Block 4290/Lot 8), the Bronx, pursuant to the Private Housing Finance Law (L.U. No. 634; 20065106 HAX).


By Council Members Katz and Martinez


WHEREAS, the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development ("HPD") submitted to the Council on November 7, 2005 its request dated October 24, 2005 that the Council take the following actions regarding an Urban Development Action Area Project (the "Project") located at 801 Neill Avenue (Block 4290/Lot 8), Community District 11, Borough of the Bronx (the "Disposition Area"):


1.                     Approve the Project Summary attached hereto as Exhibit A as to the conformity with the provisions and purposes of Article V of the Private Housing Finance Law;


2.                     Approve the partial exemption of the Project from real property taxes pursuant to Section 125 of the Private Housing Finance Law;


3.                     Approve the regulatory agreement between the Owner and the Department of Housing Preservation and Development in the form presented and attached hereto as Exhibit B and authorize the Mayor or the Deputy Mayor or the Commissioner of the Department of Housing Preservation and Development to execute the regulatory agreement, when approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel or Acting Corporation Counsel.


                           WHEREAS, on December 2, 2005 by submission dated December 2, 2005, the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development withdrew the application;








                     The Council approves the motion to file pursuant to withdrawal of the application in accord with Rules 6.40a and 11.80 of the Rules of the Council.






Office of the City Clerk, }

The City of New York,  } ss.:


                                                   I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a Resolution passed by The Council of The City of New York on December 8, 2005, on file in this office.







                                             City Clerk, Clerk of The Council