File #: Res 0212-2024    Version: * Name: Stephanie Tubbs Jones Uterine Fibroid Research and Education Act of 2021.
Type: Resolution Status: Committee
Committee: Committee on Health
On agenda: 3/7/2024
Enactment date: Law number:
Title: Resolution calling upon the United States Congress to pass, and the President to sign, the Stephanie Tubbs Jones Uterine Fibroid Research and Education Act of 2021.
Sponsors: Justin L. Brannan, Shahana K. Hanif, James F. Gennaro
Council Member Sponsors: 3
Attachments: 1. Res. No. 212, 2. March 7, 2024 - Stated Meeting Agenda, 3. Hearing Transcript - Stated Meeting 3-7-24, 4. Minutes of the Stated Meeting - March 7, 2024

Res. No. 212


Resolution calling upon the United States Congress to pass, and the President to sign, the Stephanie Tubbs Jones Uterine Fibroid Research and Education Act of 2021.


By Council Members Brannan, Hanif and Gennaro


                     Whereas, According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services’ (HHS) Office on Women’s Health, fibroids are muscular tumors that grow in the wall of the uterus or womb; and

                     Whereas, Fibroids are almost always benign, and, while not all people with fibroids have symptoms, people who do have symptoms often find fibroids hard to live with because of pain, heavy menstrual bleeding, and other symptoms; and

                     Whereas, According to the American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology, uterine fibroids can result in reproductive problems, such as infertility, multiple miscarriages, or early labor; and

                     Whereas, According to a 2013 study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology titled The Health Disparities of Uterine Fibroids for African American Women: A Public Health Issue, “ultrasound evidence shows that more than 80 percent of African American women and approximately 70 percent of white women will have uterine fibroids by age 50”; and

                     Whereas, In addition to a having greater lifetime incidence of fibroids, African American women have a 3-fold increased age-adjusted incidence rate and 3-fold increased relative risk of fibroids when adjusted for other confounding factors; and

                     Whereas, Some investigators suggest a doubling of risk for Hispanic women as well; and

                     Whereas, The size and growth rates of fibroids are greater in African American women, and they are more likely to undergo surgical intervention than other racial groups; and

                     Whereas, Since only 20 percent to 50 percent of all people with fibroids experience related symptoms and screenings are not routinely performed, true incidence of uterine fibroids is difficult to ascertain; and

                     Whereas, Symptoms can alter one’s quality of life and reproductive health; and

                     Whereas, Treatment options include many alternatives to hysterectomy, including medical therapies, minimally invasive surgery, and others, yet hysterectomy remains the most common intervention, and, in the United States, fibroids are the leading indication for hysterectomies; and

                     Whereas, According to the study, “African American women have higher rates of surgery for fibroids and therefore may have more postoperative complications than other racial groups,” and fibroids as the primary indication for hysterectomy was much higher for African American women (61 percent vs 29 percent for white women); and

                     Whereas, There are clear reasons uterine fibroids are a public health concern, and particularly an equity concern; and

                     Whereas, The Stephanie Tubbs Jones Uterine Fibroid Research and Education Act of 2021, sponsored by Congresswoman Yvette Clarke and Senator Cory Brooker, directs HHS to expand research on, and take other actions to address, uterine fibroids; and

                     Whereas, The bill would establish new research funding, totaling $150 million over five years, and would expand a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services database on chronic conditions to include information on services provided to individuals with fibroids; and

                     Whereas, The bill would also create a public education program through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and direct the Health Resources and Services Administration to develop and disseminate fibroids information to health care providers; and

                     Whereas, The bill also highlights the need for improved patient and provider education surrounding the heightened risk for fibroids faced by women of color; and

                     Whereas, As noted in the press release by Congresswoman Clarke, approximately 25 percent of Black women will suffer from uterine fibroids by the age of 25, and 80 percent will have them by age 50; and

                     Whereas, While language within reports, bills, and other materials refers to “women” when speaking to the issue of uterine fibroids, all individuals with a uterus, including those who may not identify as women, are at risk for fibroids and, although language may not be inclusive of this, it is something known and recognized by the Council; and

                     Whereas, The glaring health inequalities related to uterine fibroids must be addressed, and the country must increase research, education, and access to care for those living with uterine fibroids; now, therefore, be it

                     Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York calls upon the United States Congress to pass, and the President to sign, the Stephanie Tubbs Jones Uterine Fibroid Research and Education Act of 2021.



Session 13

LS #5224



Session 12


LS 5224
