File #: Res 0398-2024    Version: * Name: Establishing a New York City grant program for laundry equipment or facilities in certain schools (S.8502/A.9509).
Type: Resolution Status: Committee
Committee: Committee on Education
On agenda: 5/16/2024
Enactment date: Law number:
Title: Resolution calling on the New York State legislature to pass, and the Governor to sign, S.8502/A.9509, in relation to establishing a New York City grant program for laundry equipment or facilities in certain schools.
Sponsors: Gale A. Brewer, Lincoln Restler, Jennifer GutiƩrrez
Council Member Sponsors: 3
Attachments: 1. Res. No. 398, 2. May 16, 2024 - Stated Meeting Agenda, 3. Hearing Transcript - Stated Meeting 5-16-24

Res. No. 398


Resolution calling on the New York State legislature to pass, and the Governor to sign, S.8502/A.9509, in relation to establishing a New York City grant program for laundry equipment or facilities in certain schools.


By Council Members Brewer, Restler, Gutiérrez and Hanif

                     Whereas, Laundering clothes and linens to remove dirt and body fluids prevents the transmission of, and re-exposure to, pathogens as well as provides odor control; and

                     Whereas, A lack of clean laundry may not only negatively impact an individual’s health, but also their dignity and mental health; and

                     Whereas, A 2019 Braun Research survey of 600 public school teachers found that, nationwide, one-in-five students struggle with access to clean clothes, causing them to miss school; and

Whereas, According to the New York State (NYS) Council on Children and Families, students who are chronically absent (i.e., absent for 10 percent or more school days) in kindergarten and first grade are less likely to be able to read at grade level; by sixth grade, chronic absence is one of three early warning signs that a student will drop out of high school; and by ninth grade, attendance can be a better indicator of dropout than eighth grade test scores; and

Whereas, Chronic absenteeism has been a growing problem in New York City (“NYC” or “City”) public schools since the COVID-19 Pandemic; and

Whereas, During the 2021-2022 school year (SY), 40.2 percent of students across all grades were chronically absent, which was an increase from 29.7 percent of students during the 2020-2021 SY; and

Whereas, While the percentage of chronically absent students during the 2022-2023 SY decreased from the previous SY to 36.2 percent, it still represents an 11.1 percent increase over the 2019-2020 SY; and

Whereas, Moreover, since July 2022, City Department of Education (DOE) schools have experienced an influx of about 36,000 students in temporary housing, many of whom neither have access to clean clothes nor funds to do laundry; and

Whereas, S.8502/A.9509, sponsored by NYS Senator Roxanne Persaud and NYS Assembly Member Brian Cunningham respectively, would amend the education law, in relation to establishing a NYC grant program for laundry equipment or facilities in certain schools; and

Whereas, This legislation would require the chancellor of DOE to establish a pilot program for the purpose of awarding grants to certain Title I primary and secondary public schools in NYC to assist with purchasing and installing laundry appliances and equipment; and

Whereas, Such facilities would assist students and families residing in temporary housing as well as reduce chronic absenteeism due to a lack of clean clothes; now, therefore, be it

                     Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York calls on the New York State legislature to pass, and the Governor to sign, S.8502/A.9509, in relation to establishing a New York City grant program for laundry equipment or facilities in certain schools.


LS #16641
